Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Portrait of Racism

  Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s. Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter. Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s. What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter? 
          Check out this article titled, "Racial Segregation in the American South: Jim Crow Laws"  to gain a better understanding of the timeline of racial segregation in America.

In chapter 4 the racism is exposed and fully explained. In the beginning of the chapter racism is introduced when Crooks becomes angry when Lennie is in his door way. He explains to him that he is not welcomed into his room just the same as he is not welcomed into the bunk house. He treatsLennie as bad as the other white workers and bosses treat him. Crooks has grown accustom to being called the N-word, so much that he uses it himself before giving the other person to say it to him. While Crooks and Lennie spoke he constantly repeated it. As said on page 71 "This is just a n****r talkin' an' a buster-back n****r..."
 Racism is also shown when Curley's wife came into his bunk. She taunted him because of the color of his skin during the altercation and called him several other disrespectful names and threated to tell the boss. Crooks couldn't do anything because he knew she was correct and she could have him fired.

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