Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 4 Notes

Summary: In this chapter they provide insight on the character Crooks. Crooks is the only black worker on the ranch and is separated from the rest of the workers because of his skin tone. He works in the stable with the animals. Crooks has a crooked spine and is constantly putting liniment on his back. Lennie, while going to see his puppy, noticed Crooks room light. Crooks explained to Lennie how he isn't wanted in the bunkhouses and how Lennie wasn't welcomed in his room. Lennies warming smile warmed him up and Crooks invited him in. Crooks tortured Lennie by embedding the thought that George wouldn't come back from town. Later Candy came looking for Lennie to talk about their ranch dream and as Crooks starts to feel accepted Curley's wife comes into the barn and begins to taunt him.

Prediction: I predict that the rest of the ranch workers will isolate Lennie for becoming friends with Crooks and this will cause George and Lennie more trouble.

Question: Why did Crooks like torturing Lennie, while he was trying to be friends with him? Why was George so shocked that Lennie went into Crooks Bunk,Knowing how curious Lennie is?

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